Thursday, December 20, 2007
El Pacifico
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Our First Visitor & Medredes

Friday, November 30, 2007
Dia De Las Gacias
About 15 families from the embassy rented individual villas for the weekend. There were kids galore, great waterslides and a pirate ship in the middle of the pool. There is a wonderful support group for Embassy families in El Salvador. The kids go to private international schools in San Salvador. Every weekend there are family events at the embassy pool or trips out to Mayan ruins or to the beach. Chris and I miss SUmmers and Mae terribly and can't wait until they visit. They will love it here. The beach is not really a swimming beach. The sand is volcanic and it smells like the pacific. Its great for walking but better to relax in a hammock on the patio overlooking the sea drinking out of a coconut. I don’t think Chris went in the water once.
Chris was able to get in a quick 18 and become fast friends with the only other person on the course at 7am. There are only 3 golf courses in the entire country and this one just squeezed in the second 9 within the past year. After not playing in over 3 months his first drive on a par 3 landed 1.5 feet from the hole. Tiene mucho suerte. All in all a good weekend at the beach.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Marine Ball
The entire concert was ruckus and confirmed that this place is not as dangerous as they make you believe. As you can imagine we stood out a little, literally, we could see over the heads of all the people in front of us. Not an obstructed view in the house!
Chris and I took dance lessons three years ago and decided it’s best just to wing it. Salsa, disco, meringue, what’s the difference.
It was a working party for Chris so we sat at a Spanish speaking table. You’d be surprised at how much can be communicated with smiles and “oh noooo”, “si!” and shaking your head, regardless of whether or not you understand anything.
Chris looked handsome in his dress blues (our friend Tom calls him Major Nelson from I dream of Jeanie) , but the Marines dress uniforms take the cake. I am happy to report that we were not the last to leave the festivities. URAH!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Juyua & Suchitoto
Before departing the town we stopped in at a pharmacy to buy some aspirin for my pounding head. You can imagine my surprise when they charged me 4.5 cents for two pills. Don’t they know how much it costs to develop those drugs? They could be selling them for at least 5 times as much and make a 500% profit.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
mi casa es su casa
After weeks of searching for a furnished home up to speed with the security regs, Chris settled on a nice apartment complex. It is brand new and beautiful. We have 4 bedroom for all the visitors we are sure to have, tennis courts, pool and close proximity to the embassy. Our edificio is like the united nations.