Due to his limited vacation days, Chris was not able to return in time to celebrate with my families. My dad and step mom, Curt and Jill, were in Lincoln for a couple days. We were able to get our Indian "Oven" fix and celebrate with Keenan (with 4 adoring sets of grandparents he is definitely not in want of anything). And I must say it breaks my heart to hear him say, “LaLa I’m so glad you came back”. He thinks I’m living in the wild, which I’m sure grandma Marcia had something to do with :). He asked me, “you are living in the wild, but you do not take any pictures of the wild?. He has requested a picture of a giraffe…
The next night we had the Yost festivities, complete with Santa Claus, Moscow mules and a highly energized game of bunco. It’s a competitive group of 14 former high school and collegiate athletes, the little ones usually come down and tell us we are being too loud. I believe Justin or Stephanie outplayed the rest of the field, or maybe they were just the loudest, hard to say.

It was great to be able to attend Christmas Eve Candlelight service at Westminister in Lincoln. Chris is usually working over the holidays and rarely gets to participate in the beautiful service. Chris picked Summers and Mae up first thing Christmas morning and we headed southbound on I29. We arrived to a full house at Chris's parents house in Kansas City. Don and Judy hosted us for two days before heading back to Lincoln for a few more days. It was wonderful to catch up with our friends and hug our loved ones for one short week. We hope to have some visitors down in El Salvador over the next few months, it is sure to be a
warm escape..

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