As most people were heading south for Spring Break, Chris and I headed north for a trip to Kansas City to visit family and enjoy the fresh weather.

We stayed at the Brunner "House of Fun" and discovered our love of family fooseball. The weather was great and we were able to catch up with KC friends, Chris's parents, Grandma Ruth, and Chris's sister Katherine and her husband Craig. We spent an afternoon in the NElson Atkins Art Museum, and if you haven't eaten in the restarant then you are missing out.

Summers and Mae interactive art piece.
Family Peek - a - Boo
Little miss no teeth with aunt Katherine & Summers.

Summers and Mae both spent more time than they would have liked practicing for their upcoming cello recital with Chris serving as the conductor/drill sargent.

A great week increasing our feelings of longing to return home. 6 plus months down and only a few more to go...
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